Sunday, July 29, 2012

Couple pictures

Luca waving to the neighborhood and showing off the cut over his eyebrow. Because everyone knows that a cut on your eyebrow is a sign of an evil genius. Or a Disney villian. Doesn't he just look like he's plotting something sneaky? No? Huh.
Paper training Luca! That's the common step in between diapers and the potty chair, right? I've totally got this parenting thing down!

He's really getting pretty good with a spoon, he can even get peas to stay on it long enough to make it to his mouth. But, to ensure that the spoon makes it in his mouth, he opens it wide. Very wide. Every time.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sugar Cookies

 I've really taken to making iced sugar cookies, and I'm even getting pretty good at it. Here are some of them...

Baseballs for my nephews birthday party. Learned from the fourth of July cookies that the white icing needed to sit for a least a full day to make sure the red and black icing didn't bleed. So happy with how they turned out!

Of course Luca wanted in on it, so naturally I let him look. And, foolishly, I thought that looking would be enough. It wasn't. So he got an empty bottle to "help." He was so good at it, though, that he graduated to one with real icing in it.

I have a real baker here, he loves helping in the kitchen.

The finished product to celebrate the 4th of July. The brown one was supposed to be a firework exploding. Glad I only made a couple of those since they mostly look like anything other than a firework exploding. The ones with the little pin stripes are by far my favorite, and really easy to do!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Weekend in Paw Paw

We were lucky to have absolutely beautiful weather for our weekend in Paw Paw! We got to hang out with Great Grandma and Great Papa and watch all the birds that come to their feeders.

 Luca also got to swim in the lake for the first time. He put his feet in last summer, but wasn't too keen on the whole thing at the time. This time we stayed in the water until we were both pruney. The water was a balmy 80* thanks to the unusually hot summer so far, which was just fine with us. He took a while to warm up to the swimming, but it didn't take too long before he was calling the dogs on the patio and waving at the boats going by.

Playing with Daddy's toes under the water

After dinner Poppie took us all for a ride around the lake on the boat. He even let Luca drive it.

Everyone had a great time!