The time has almost come for us to know, is Baby 2 a boy or girl? We'll be finding out soon, but I thought it would be fun to make everybody guess first. I'm thinking boy, Josh and Luca are thinking girl. Luca has been planning on a sister since we first told him about the baby in mommy's tummy. If I'm right we'll be spending the rest of the time trying to convince Luca that brother's are good too.
Anyway, to help with your guessing, I thought I'd answer some Old Wives Tales to predict gender.
Hair and complexion: The saying is that "Boys give beauty, girls take it away." Josh thinks that my hair is fuller and shinier than before, and (knock on wood) not even one little breakout on my skin. That says
Sleeping Position: This suggests that if you're sleeping on your right side it's a girl, left side it's a boy. I kind of think this is a crazy one though. As far as positioning of my organs and the baby, it's medically proven to be easier on both of us if I sleep on my left. Since I know that, I try to. But more than that, what pregnant person sleeps on one side for more than an hour max?
Moodiness: Frequent mood swings imply girl, stable and as before mood suggests boy. Josh reluctantly told me that he thinks I'm moodier than normal (really had to twist his arm to get an answer on that one, guess it goes to show how moody he really thinks I am). That would mean
Skin: Dry skin implies a boy, soft skin means girl. My skin is so dry I am itching holes in it. Very much
boy on this one.
Dad's Weight: If the dad-to-be gains weight along with Momma, it's a boy, if he stays the same, it's a girl.
Since we don't own a scale it's hard to say for sure, but Josh says his clothes fit the same, so probably he hasn't gained weight. Suggesting
Morning Sickness: More morning sickness means girl, where none or very little means boy. I generally felt fine until I ate something, then it didn't matter what I ate or how much, I was nauseated. Until about 13 weeks along. So....
Headaches: More headaches means boy, no more than normal is for girl. Perhaps I'm a little skewed because just a couple days ago I had a headache for a full 24 hours (still had it waking up in the middle of the night. It was annoying.) But it seems to me I'm having more headaches. So
Cravings: Salty and Spicy foods indicate a boy, sweeter foods suggest a girl. If I really want something once and then I'm good, I don't count that as a craving. So the only things that I've wanted daily for a week or more is cucumbers and carrots with ranch dip, and pizza rolls. Not pizza, cheap-o throw-back-to-college-days pizza rolls. Not really sweet, but not spicy either.
Fetal Heart Rate: If it's over 140 it's a girl, if it's under 140 it's a boy. I forgot to ask at my 16 week appointment because the doc was running an hour late and I just wanted to get going already. So at my 12 week appointment (when baby was the size of a lime) the heart rate was 158--
Carrying high or low: I really have no idea and couldn't even guess if I'm carrying high or low at this point.
Chinese Gender Prediction Chart: It takes the age of mom at conception and month of conception to figure it out. It says this one will be a
Hairline: My personal favorite, if the hairline at the nape of the neck of your first kid is straight, your next kid will be the same gender. If it's pointed, the next will be the opposite gender. Luca has a straight neck-hairline. So, the next kid will be a
That puts the final tally at 4 boy, 4 girl and 4 unsure. Ha, so much for helping! Still, play along and leave your guess in the comments: should we be pulling out the hand-me-downs or is it shopping spree time? We'll reveal in a week or so!