On those occasions when both kids are sleeping, I think to myself, "I should update the blog." And then I turn on the computer, sit there a minute, and go take a shower or switch the laundry or someone wakes up.
So, instead of spending time thinking about what to say and how to be witty and clever, I figure I'll just put up some pics. Because let's be honest, that's what people really want to see. =)
Luca is still in love with his sister and is being a wonderful helper. Every once in a while if he feels like he's not getting enough attention he'll tell us to put Tessa in her rocker, but for the most part he's happy with her tagging along or understanding that we have to stop playing a minute to change or feed her.
Giving Clifford kisses |
We are also really lucky that he's so willing to entertain himself, so I can spend a half hour feeding Tessa and he's happy to play and just have me watch him sometimes.
He would go to the park all day every day if he could. I don't remember when it started, but he asks daily to go. And I don't think he's ever said he's ready to go home. We have to basically drag him home.
Riding the motorcycle at the park |
We've talked some about what he wants to be for Halloween. He doesn't seem to really understand, though, what we mean. He dressed up last year but wasn't quite old enough to remember. So I was going to have him be what I wanted him to be again. But then he went to a touch-a-truck at the library, and then he went on a tour of the firehouse by my mom's, and got fire hats both places. So, he might be a firefighter this year. Last time I asked he said he wanted to be a slide, so who knows what we'll finally land on...
She's growing like crazy and it is so wonderful. She only lost a couple ounces after she was born and put them right back on and then some. At her two week appointment she was 8 pounds. I don't think Luca was that big until well into his second month. The downside is that she's already starting to grow out of her newborn sized clothes. The upside is that she's starting to grow into the 3 month clothes =)
There's a similar picture of Luca in this rocker with his blankie. It's crazy to think both that he used to be this little and that one day she'll be as big as him!
And a video. Luca is putting his contacts in. Josh wears them and Luca has seen him put them in, but Josh hasn't ever used a glass of water to do it... He just started doing it one day at lunch.