Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Happy birthday to me!

My birthday is so relaxing now. I don't have to cook, and still I get a beautiful cake.

I don't have to pull out tissue paper, but get to keep what's inside the bag.

I don't have to tear wrapping paper, and as long as it's not too interesting I get to keep that present too.

And Oma helped Luca and Tessa go shopping for my gifts, so I got some pretty awesome surprises (that I get to share with the kids). Happy birthday to me!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Snowy Day

This morning we woke up to some impressive snow on the ground and it kept coming most of the morning.

Big, fat flakes that make for great snowmen and annoying shoveling. Thankfully, we had helpers--Luca with his shovel and the neighbor with his snow blower. After the work was done everyone got to play! We got to use the snowman kit, and the snow paint that Santa brought Luca. We started with red in the front yard, then I looked at all the spurts of red paint and decided that we should probably change colors and head to the back yard...

No one was harmed at the bottom of the stairs, it just looks a lot like it.

By this time Tessa was up from nap and wanted to join in the fun. In her snow gear--overalls, coat, hat, mittens and boots two sizes too big, she was like that kid in a Christmas Story, with added difficulty walking.

When we took her outside she stayed in one spot and would touch the snow when Josh gave her a snow ball. I tried to get her to walk around in it but she just wasn't sure. Then we went to swing and she wasn't too sure about that either. After a little bit she and we went inside and she was super mad about that.

Once we got out a pan and brought in some snow, she was happy again.

Meanwhile, the boys brought out the sled from Santa and took turns going around the backyard. Luca tried so hard to pull Josh! It went a lot smoother when Josh was pulling and Luca was riding.

By this point Jude was tired of watching from inside and wanted to join in the fun. So Luca and Josh threw snowballs, which he watched go by. But he had fun sniffing around and eating snow, stubborn little dog.

I thought they were done building the snowman, but Luca took off his scarf to put on the finishing touches: a blue shirt.

Everyone had fun on our big snowy day!