Consider the last 365 days "The Lost Year"
I could make all sorts of excuses as to why the blogging stopped, from the pitfalls of modern technology to the struggles of two kids, and anything in between, but does it really matter why?
I also have a couple of posts that I was writing that never got finished, but it seems silly to post about last years egg dying now. So, we're moving forward. Except for one on Luca turning 5, cause that was just a week or so ago. Going forward, I'll try to be better.
My dad likes to talk about how the first kid has a flip book of every moment of their early childhood, the second kid gets a picture of two of the highlights, and by the third kid they just appear at about 5 years old in the background of someone else's pictures. I am going to try very hard for that not to be true.
So, with that, I'm pregnant! Tomorrow I'll be 19 weeks along. We are not finding out the gender this time, and all plotting to find out without our agreement is just plain silly. Everyone will be surprised in the middle of August with us. Woo hoo! The first 14-16 weeks were ugly, which was disappointing, but I'm finally feeling pretty good. I think at first I thought the miracle second trimester would somehow provide me with more energy than I had when I was just mothering two kids, and now that I have more realistic expectations, I can finally start to enjoy this pregnancy.
Tiny Bumping |
I'm thinking we might do another baby pool this time, except a very traditional one. Guessing gender, date, and time. Details to follow
Josh is good, I'm good, kids are good, Luca is enjoying preschool and tae kwon do, Tessa is enjoying ballet. And so I begin again =)