Before we moved in we had every room in the house painted builder white. This was a vast improvement in every single room. We are (very) slowly getting around to painting colors. Thinking I wanted to do horizontal stripes, I looked for inspiration via an image search on google. Found the most amazing picture.
So here's the before (little Luca is laying on the bed because he wouldn't nap when I was took these months ago).
A laser level, lots of placing and replacing frog tape, and a couple coats later...
I made pillows and recovered the head board and am so very pleased with how it turned out!
While I was making over the house, I thought the mantel needed a little extra love. Of course, I had a couple of little helpers...
No before picture, so you'll have to imagine that there's nothing on the wall, just the stuff on the shelf. And now I'm rethinking the stuff on the shelf, so it'll probably change again. But, I really really like how it looks. Since I got the frames at Goodwill (with some just absolutely beautiful art) it cost a grand total of $11. Plus one of the paintings actually was pretty, so I'm looking for something to do with it.