Saturday, October 13, 2012

19 months

Another month already? Geez. Let's see, what's new...

He's adding new words regularly, including snack, off, bye, cra (for cracker), Bryce, Ry (his cousins), blue, uh-oh, bath, cook (for cookie), and go fast. "No" just recently made it into his vocab, but he doesn't usually say it to refuse something, rather just keeps repeating it while he's walking around or climbing the stairs or whatever. My favorite is when he turns his head away and says it very quietly. He is constantly jabbering, and there's theories circulating that we play "Learn Korean" tapes while he sleeps because his jabbering does not sound like English at all.
He puts his arms straight behind him turns them palms up and we fly around the house like airplanes making whooshing noises. When we're outside and he hears a plane engine he points up and looks for the airplane.
Jude is no longer safe anywhere because Luca can climb on the furniture. I even caught him the other day stepping on a toy to reach further back on the end table.
His eye teeth are coming in and he's chewing on everything.
We went and got a couple potty chairs a couple weeks ago because he will point to his diaper when he needs to go to the bathroom. Once, he actually used the chair. Mostly, he's terrified of them and refuses to sit on them. At his 18 month well-baby doctor's appointment his pediatrician made a point to say to not even bother thinking about potty training until he's two or even two and a half. I thought, maybe, since he tells me when he needs to, it could work. But until his little chair stops being so scary it's a huge no-go. Ah well. We don't push the issue.
He loves being outside and whenever I say I'm taking the dog out he starts patting his head (telling me he wants his hat on) so he can come outside too. And he doesn't want to come back inside. I had a chat with him about a week ago, explaining how much I hate the cold and that I will be happy to put a thousand layers on him and he can play outside as long as he wants, but that I will only be watching him from the relative warmth of the kitchen. We'll see how that goes...

Apparently, there is a time limit to videos I can upload to here. So, here is a super long video (broken into chunks) where I am annoyingly persistent in trying to get Luca to show off and he is sometimes obliging and sometimes crazy.

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