Monday, November 5, 2012

Playing in the leaves

Our two trees in the backyard had thrown down a fair number of leaves, so I thought it was time to rake them into a pile for Bug to play in. I haven't raked leaves in years. I know I never did at my parents house now, so it would have been before I was 13 when we moved. Really, ages ago. Wasn't sure I could remember how a rake worked. At first, he wanted nothing to do with the little leaf pile, but was happy to help rake.

Tines up, it was too hard the other way =)

Then he thought it was funny that I was throwing the leaves up and decided it would probably be okay to do that too.

Then he thought it was hilarious that I would stomp in the leaves and sit down in the middle of the pile. So he decided to do that too.

Even more funny was jumping in them, but since I had to help him do it, you'll have to imagine the little guys laughter. It was pretty awesome. By then his little nose was running and my hands were turning into icicles, so I told him if it was still light when Josh got home we could go back out. *Fingers crossed*

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