I'd like to start by saying my baby is going to be 2 years old in two short months. Holy Cow. This time last year I already had a theme and menu and decorating ideas and invitations. The furthest I've made it in planning so far is that I'm pretty sure we're having a party. Ah well, life.
On to new things!
He's stringing words together more often, and using them to react to his surroundings. For instance, he saw Jude licking the dirty silverware in the dishwasher (thank you Kody for teaching him that) and Luca said "Jude no."
Jude wishes he could say "Luca no." |
He has also reached that wonderful, wonderful age where he'll go do things for me without questioning. "Give this to Daddy," "Feed your puppy," "Put this in the trash," and off he goes. Lazy me loves it. =)
He loves building with Duplos and has gotten quite good at it. He builds tall things and puts them on the window sill for the neighbors to see. He is especially talented at un-building things. If Josh or I make something impressive we have to take a picture or show it off quickly, because once Luca has it he amends it. Even more amusing, he usually dumps the entire basket of Duplos right off. And then puts the basket on his head and runs around the house. No joke. It's hilarious.
We've turned the downstairs into a giant play room and he loves it
down there. I wish it were warmer, but then again there are very few times I
don't wish it was warmer... He could stay down there all morning and
then usually asks Josh to go downstairs when he gets home from work.
Plus, with so many toys down there and our new storage unit, it no
longer looks like a toy store exploded in our living room, which is
hugely awesome.
Probably the biggest news this month, Luca no
longer uses a Nuk. When we got back from vacation he had a head cold
that left him very congested and basically unable to breath through his
nose. Add a plug in his mouth and he just wasn't sleeping. So we went
cold turkey and I just unceremoniously got rid of them. For a couple of
days he asked for it before going to bed, but we just said no and that
was pretty much the end of it. By the end of the first week he wasn't
asking for them anymore. Also, he is down to just an afternoon nap.
Unlike last time we tried it, he stretched out that nap to make up for
missing the morning one, so we're all happy about it.
Also, Happy Birthday Josh! =)
Stuck his spoon in the frosting to sneak a taste of Daddy's birthday cake. |