Thursday, January 3, 2013

Taking Bunny for a ride

Luca got this stuffed bunny for his birthday from my kindergarten teacher. (Isn't that something! Mrs. Simpson rocks.) Recently he's gotten very attached to it, bringing it around the house to do things with him. He sits on the sofa while Luca eats snack, comes to the table for lunch, this morning it went on errands with us and came home and sat on the potty chair. Naturally, when Luca wanted to go fast, Bunny needed to come along too. And he was so happy about it =)

Also, it's funny the way he says "bunny." He used to make the "y" sound as "ee," but about a month ago switched to pronouncing it "yuh." Don't know why, but it meant Daddy went from "da-ee" to "da-yuh" and Bunny is now "bun-yuh." It's funny.

In other news, my college roomie's mom gave me a flower when I graduated from undergrad. (That feels weird to say, "graduated undergrad") It had been in her family for years and was blooming when she gave it to me. I had directions to put it outside in the summer, bring it in during the winter, and it would bloom every other year. That was 2006. When those blooms died, I continued to get nice long leaves, but never another flower. It survived 5 moves and is the only plant that is still alive from my college days. (I used to have a bunch. All named.) Then, a Christmas miracle...

Blooms! Big beautiful ones! And since I took this picture another one has opened. Plus the littler stem looks like it's going to turn into flowers too. Nothing for 6 years, then this. It is awesome =)

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