Wednesday, February 13, 2013

23 months

WHAT! Boy that happened fast, next month he's a whole two years old...

He recently found the pockets on his pants and looks like a little man when he stands with his hands in them. It's super cute. Until the first time I wash a crayon because I didn't check his pockets first.
He is talking up a storm. So many words, so many I don't understand, but lots I do. With Josh's birthday last month and mine a couple days ago, he's good at the word "Happy." We're not sure what he thinks it means, though. Sometimes he points to the birthday cake and says it, sometimes he points to candles and says it, and sometimes I can't figure out what he's referencing.
Unfortunately, he's also getting really good at the word "mine." Usually when referring to things that aren't his, like Jude's toys or my car keys.

Safely trying to check the empty oven

He's also becoming very polite, he says please, thank you, and you're welcome and has been saying Excuse for ages. My favorite is he says "Bless" after you sneeze. And sometimes after you cough. Unprompted. That was a little weird teaching him. I would sneeze and then say, "Luca, tell mommom Bless you." Felt a little greedy ;)
Thanks to my Dad's travels we have a handful of books in different languages. By far my favorite to read is "Gute Nacht, Gorilla" (because it has, like, 5 words in it. And I actually feel good about my guesses at pronunciation. Except for Armadillo. Gurtelteir. Even Alex didn't have any guesses.) ANYWAY, went to read it and Luca said what I thought was "Nacht" So Impressed! Then I started reading and he started knocking on the pages. Oooh, "knock." Close enough.

"Helping" Daddy shovel the patio for Jude

Bunna is still going everywhere with us. But never takes naps with Luca. He even gets a little mad when we ask if he wants to take Bunna with for a nap. Like, don't we know Bunna sits on the sofa while he naps!? Luca definitely has opinions and preferences.
I think Luca's favorite number is 4. He says it all the time. He's going to be 4 on his next birthday and weighs 46, not 26 pounds.
He likes sour gummi worms. He licked it, made a face and said no, and went right back for another lick. Sucked all the sour sugar off the whole thing before eating the worm.

Little man with his hair cut that makes him look like a kindergartener.

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