Friday, March 29, 2013

Goodies for Aunt Aimee

I have seen sprinkle coated cakes all over the internet and wanted to try my hand at making one. The next birthday coming up was Aimee's so I asked if she maybe would want one. She however had seen the polka dot cakes all over the internet and wanted one of those. So, I let the birthday girl decide her cake and made a polka dot one.

Very Tall!
 Unfortunately, I wasn't there when she cut into it, so all I have is pictures of the outside. It was very, very tall and made for a very, very scary delivery. Luckily she lives close and the speed limit isn't more than 45. And the turns are so often that if I didn't make it all the way up to 45 before I turned, it wasn't super annoying to the other drivers. But it made it in one piece, and her family agreed it was not only super cute (inside and out) but also super delicious. Win Win =)

I had to use a least some sprinkles...

And Aimee needed cookies for a meeting, simple little flip flops. I tried a new icing technique that cut literally hours out of the process and other than it being very fickle, I'm really pleased with out they turned out.

Icing the old way I'd shoot for a 2-4 second icing for the edges and a 15-20 second icing for flooding. For these cookies I found that 3.5 second icing is what worked. Did I mention it was very fickle? But definitely worth trying again since it really did go so much faster!

Happy Birthday Aunt Aimee!

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