Monday, May 13, 2013

Some time outside

I've said it a thousand times, but Luca is such an outside kid. He wants to go out with me when I take Jude out first thing in the morning, and would stay outside all day if I let him. Raining, cold, wind, doesn't matter. He's like the postal service. Nothing can keep him from his time outside. He just says "It's raining out there" and then continues playing like he is not also "out there."

We have two bird feeders in the front yard and he loves to fill them up and then watch for the birdies to come. And come they do. Not a lot of variety, but there sure are a lot. Which is all that matters when you're two. We did have an unusual one the other day.

Josh looked up what it was because he happened to see one while he was working a couple days later, but I forgot what it's called. Very pretty, anyway! And eating Luca's birdseed, which is the important part.

He also enjoys (with nothing but love in his heart, I'm sure) to chase the birdies. He sees one in the yard or on the fence, turns to me and asks "I chase birdie?" and then off he goes. Again, it doesn't matter if it's raining, he's in sock feet and the grass is wet, or that he bird is already half gone by the time he starts. He just loves it.

I got a couple of hanging flower pots for Mother's Day, and Luca helped Josh hang them. (Who knew it was so hard!) They did have to put in the shephard's hooks as well as put the flowers onto them, so I guess it was a little more complicated.

We also bought a hanging strawberry plant a little while ago. Luca had been helping me water that one, so now he helps to water the flowers too. And the mulch. And the siding. And the grass, always the grass. Still, I love having my little helper. =)

1 comment:

  1. He looks like quite the helper. Enjoy it, as the time will be here before you know it that he will no longer want to help!
