Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Washing the car

Luca gets hot and wants to play in water. Understandable. However getting the pool out and filling it up and getting the toys and his suit and all is not always convenient. So one day while mom was watching Luca she asked if he wanted to wash her car.

He was good at using the hose to fill up the bucket and make tons of suds, but wasn't really interested in using the sponge. He grabbed a handful of bubbles and spread them on the car. Smeared them around a little, and grabbed some more bubbles. After some prompting, he decided to see how the sponge worked.

All was well until Mom got the hose to rinse off the car. For whatever reason (because normally he loves the hose) that was not okay. He screamed and cried until she was done, then he was more than willing to dump the bucket of suds. On the way back to my house, It was apparently exceedingly sunny because Luca needed two sets of sunglasses. Fun day at Oma's house!

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