Monday, February 24, 2014

Dr Luca

Our poor Rody seems to be in ill health quite often. He frequently calls on Dr Luca for a check up. Luckily, he is all to happy to oblige.

Don't worry, Rody. You'll be healthy and well in no time!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The winning combination

For Christmas Luca got a sort of snowman in a box kit. Came with a hat and wood buttons and carrot and pipe on sticks to poke into the snow. But we haven't been able to use it. Either it's too, too cold, or the snow isn't good packing snow. Finally, today, it made it above freezing and the 6 or so inches we got yesterday was good for packing. So, real quick while Tessa watched from the other side of the patio door, Luca and I made a snow man!

He had fun adorning it, and we weren't inside 5 minutes before he asked to go back out and knock it down with the shovel. I convinced him to leave it until Josh got home =)

Monday, February 17, 2014


Tessa shows off her newest skill! She was sweet and waited until Josh was home to roll over for the first time, but it  means the video is dark. But, she did it! Once for us and then again for posterity =)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Five months!

Here we are, five months into the life of little Tessa Winn. Crazy.

She is positively, without a doubt, the happiest baby ever. She'll smile at anyone, laughs daily, and is just generally a happy-go-lucky little one.

She's still working on rolling over, she can push her self up almost to her hips while she's on her belly, so it can't be long now!

Chewing on her current favorite toy

Her next doctor's appointment is at 6 months, so I'm guessing she's about 16-17 pounds now. We still haven't started any food because she's still going 3-5 hours between eating during the day and often does 7-9 hour stretches at night. Some time in the next couple weeks we'll start. I am so (not) looking forward to cleaning dozens of ice cube trays again.

It should come as no surprise that I like learning. Hello master's degree I haven't used professionally yet! So with Luca and now with Tessa I do a lot of reading on a variety of subjects. From random parenting blogs that need to be taken with a whole handful of salt to professional articles, I just like to know what's up in the world of child raising. May not be the best thing, since some times reading a new article means trying something new for just a week or two, but I still like to know. For example, I just read that letting kids serve themselves instead of putting down a pre-dished plate has been shown to help kids understand the feeling of fullness and therefore reduce childhood obesity. Genetics would suggest that the kids aren't in danger of that anyway, but still, interesting. If nothing else it encourages independence. So, this time around, I'm going to do so much research on feeding and making food and discouraging picky eaters. Because I'm not so much interested in two picky eaters in the house.

Baby in a box!

Little Miss is pretty good at sitting up on her own! If you put a toy directly in front of her she's been able to balance for 10, 15 seconds for at least a month. Now she's up to 30 or so.

She likes to play with her feet and socks while she's sitting up, but doesn't care about them at all while she's laying down.

Luca's new way to make her laugh is to get right up in her face and yell. She thinks it's hysterical!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Oh boy...

"Mommy! Come here! You're gonna be so (im)pressed!"

"Ta-da!! I made a big, big pile!"

Oh... Yay!...