For Christmas Luca got a sort of snowman in a box kit. Came with a hat and wood buttons and carrot and pipe on sticks to poke into the snow. But we haven't been able to use it. Either it's too, too cold, or the snow isn't good packing snow. Finally, today, it made it above freezing and the 6 or so inches we got yesterday was good for packing. So, real quick while Tessa watched from the other side of the patio door, Luca and I made a snow man!
He had fun adorning it, and we weren't inside 5 minutes before he asked to go back out and knock it down with the shovel. I convinced him to leave it until Josh got home =)
I love it and we have not had a snowman this year...our snow has not been good for packing. It has been melting with our warm snap and I thought yesterday I should go out and make one but the rain/hail mix has changed my mind!