Sunday, March 16, 2014

6 months

It's Tessa's none and a half birthday!

She rolled over the couple times about a month ago and hasn't again. When she's on her tummy she's much more likely to try and pull her knees up under her. It's possible she's planning on crawling normal instead of scooting like her brother did.

Everything within arm's reach goes directly to her mouth. Sometimes she takes it right back out and makes a sour face, but she tries it again anyway.

She is officially in love with her toes. They're fun to pull on, they're fun to eat. When there are socks covering them it only adds to the fun--pulling them off and eating them too.

There is no doubt that she loves Luca. She will give smiles to Josh and I, but almost as soon as she sees Luca she starts laughing. And he is still a sweetheart to her.

Those eyes!

At her 6 mo well baby appointment she weighed just shy of 17 pounds. It is now clear she had her 3 month growth spurt and hasn't had her 6 month one yet. Something to look forward to =)

I was getting six, sometimes seven consecutive hours of sleep each night, until a couple weeks ago when we all had colds. Now she's back to getting up every 3-4 hours. Can't wait until she's back to her normal routine! She seems to think in general that sleep is for the weak. She takes maybe three naps a day, two of which are 20 minutes, 30 if I'm lucky, and the third one is rarely more than an hour. But she's not really crabby like she's not getting enough sleep, so I can't really complain.

Meeting Uncle Steve

I think she has a tooth starting to poke through. I can't feel it, but there's a white spot on her gums.

She's a little magpie, she nearly lunges at anything shiny. And I don't remember when kids develop object permanence, but even after I hide my necklace under my shirt she keeps pawing at my neck. A clever one, she is.

She sits up very well, we still sit behind her or have a pillow behind her, but she rarely needs it. She's getting to be such a big girl!

1 comment:

  1. Time is flying by, Luca is three, Tessa is six months...I am old and it has all happened quickly, or it just feels fast to me. I enjoyed spending time with your awesome kids (and everyone else). It's time to turn them into road warriors and come down for a visit :) Thanks for sharing Anna...I love seeing the updates!!
