Monday, June 16, 2014

Nine Months

Man oh man, three quarters of a year old! And the months before her birthday will just fly by. Gotta enjoy the summer!

She has made huge changes this month! She's been looking like she was going to start crawling for a while now. People would tell me "She's so close!" and I would take their word for it (since Luca never crawled I didn't really know what pre-crawling looked like.) Then it got to the point that she was enjoying pulling to standing so much and didn't seem to be progressing with the whole crawling thing that I assumed she was going to go straight to walking. She found all sorts of ways to get things she couldn't reach. She would rock while she was sitting and sort of skootch forward. She would reach as far as she possibly could on her knees before sitting back up again. Combining those two motions, plus rolling around, she could reach pretty much anything. Then when she was on the hard wood and reached as far as she possibly could she would sort of pull herself along without moving her legs. Finally (finally!) this weekend, while she and I were in St Louis with some of mom's family (but while everyone was out except for she and I and Brit) she crawled! I took a video on my phone and sent it to Josh and showed the family when they got back. I think she knew her 9 month well-baby appt is tomorrow and she wanted to make sure I could say "Yes" when the doc asked if she was crawling.

Demonstrating the best way to drink from a sippy cup

 Still no teeth, though she certainly seems to be teething. The white spot and the bright white dot that I noticed last month was gone after a couple days. It's not uncommon for baby teeth to sort of rise and fall under her gums and it seems that's what hers are doing, poor little girl. While we hardly ever gave Luca tylenol, Tessa's about gone through a bottle. She will cuddle onto your shoulder so tired and just whimper, breaks your heart. During the day we give her teething toys and frozen grapes in a mesh sleeve to chew on and it helps, but at night she seems to be miserable sometimes. They say that the longer the teeth take to break through the stronger they are, so I guess it's good, but I still feel bad for her!

She's gotten to be a pretty good mimic, it's kind of funny. She and Luca take turns banging the table during dinner. He blows raspberries and then she does (again during dinner, Josh is developing a splatter shield for himself). She's good at imitating noises too.
She says "mamamama" all the time, but she's not referring to me, just likes the syllable. So far no words.
This month she's learned to clap and wave. We helped teach her to wave by waving nigh-night to her, so now when she's tired she starts waving, it's cute.

Mmm... frozen grapes

There was a week or so when she refused to eat pureed food--that was tricky. Now she's back to eating them in addition to pieces of grapes, blueberry, pears, peas, corn and carrots. Little girl needs teeth so she can eat like she wants to!
This month was also her first long car ride--5 hours or so to St Louis for my cousin Ali's bridal shower. Next month we'll go all the way into KC for another shower for Ali and that time Luca will come too--it'll be interesting.

She wouldn't keep a headband on, but she's wearing shoes!

She's loved pulling to standing for a while, but just this last week while standing she's started lifting her feet to walk forward (we were helping her shuffle before). Luca didn't start walking on his own until 18 months, we'll see what Tessa's plans are...
I can't believe how quickly she's doing so much growing! She is a little sweetheart, to be sure =)


  1. Sweet Tessa, we were so happy to see you in St Louis! You were certainly the most popular girl at the shower (except Ali of course). Anna, thanks for keeping us all updated. It is fun to see our girl growing up! I cannot believe it has been 9 months, time is flying!

    1. I know Tessa had fun at the shower, chewing on Ali's shoes ;) So glad we got to see you then, and excited to see everyone in a couple months!!
