Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Girl Party

Mom, Luca, Tessa and I went to KC to rain bridal shower love on my cousin. To say I was anxious about the trip would be an understatement. It would be by far the longest car trip for Tessa, and the last time Luca rode that far he was about Tessa's age. Add in Tessa's inability to sleep anywhere that isn't our house, and I was expecting a rough journey. But I knew it would be worth it to see everybody in KC so we decided to go anyway =)

We made a new quiet book for the car, and had a bunch of activities for Luca to do. All things considered, the car ride went amazing. We left early in the morning so we were already a couple hours into the drive before the kids were ready to be up and eat breakfast. On the way there we were able to stop at a rest stop and have a picnic breakfast, which was very amusing to Luca. So an hour stop there, another hour for lunch and couple quick potty/snack breaks and we would have made it in about 10 hours. But mom's car kept making this loud knocking noise so we detoured to the farm so Uncle Roger could check it out. Which was just fine with Luca since it meant watching Moose do tricks and playing on their tractor power wheels. Some clever jury-rigging and a couple hours later we were on our way again.

Stinker face because he didn't want to stop and get his picture taken

When we got to Aunt Joyce's she had a home made farm fresh dinner waiting for us. So good! Played for a little bit and it was time for bed, we had a big plans for the next day! It started with a trip to the farmer's market for Luca, Oma and Aunt Joycie. Our little dog whisperer made friends with every puppy there, but was confused about where the barn and the cows were. Then Tessa, Luca and I headed to Brittany's apartment to meet up with her and Kayla. So glad to visit with them awhile! Next we were off to Great Grandma's for lunch and quality time. Luca had a blast playing on her organ. Finally we were back to Aunt Joyce's for naps and another homemade farm-fresh dinner. Having another big day ahead of us, it was time for baths and bed.

The next day was the girl party! As soon as we mentioned that we might come in, Luca's godfather Steve called dibs on him for the day. They played with Ali's dog Jake who would play fetch until your arm fell off, bounced on the big trampoline, and then Steve took him to his first movie in the theaters.

While the boys were off having fun, the girls were staying entertained at Kim's, trying to decide if Ali should buy and furnish a house or go on a lavish honeymoon (surprised to find the crowd was split right down the middle!) I very nearly won the "What's in your purse" game, if only Aunt Janie hadn't been prepared for a potentially unsavory meeting with a stranger earlier in the week. Ah well. Tessa enjoyed being passed around and admired by all, and mom and I were glad to see family that we can't seem to see often enough. All too soon we were saying good bye and headed back to Aunt Joycie's. Being the eager helpers that we are, mom, Aunt Janie and I decided that Aunt Joyce needed to hang a few things. So I climbed a ladder on a table and tried a couple times to hang some angel wings, and then when it came necessary to actually measure and use a level I passed my utility tool/hammer on to more suitable hands. Kim was able to stop by after dinner and kept Luca laughing for a long time.

More Winn girls, wish we knew Aunt Judi wasn't in a window!

We had originally planned on heading back home the next morning but Tessa was sleeping so well (!!) that we decided to stay one more day. That morning we looked for something to entertain the kids and decided on a Children's Farmstead in Kansas. (That made the 4th state of the trip!) It was so much fun and there was so much to do.

Thirsty little goat

Luca "milked" buckets with rubber udders, panned for gold, fed baby goats from a bottle, rode on a pedal car, fed ducks and goats, and played on a big playground. Everyone had a blast, and Tessa was especially thankful that Great Janie borrowed a fancy stroller so she could enjoy the place in style. Just wish it hadn't felt like 102*...

Keeping cool in the misters

After another delicious dinner at Aunt Joycie's we met Kimmer, Jo, Bai and Dot for frozen yogurt. It was great to see them again and man do I love Orange Leaf. We decided it worked so well leaving early on the way here that we should do the same on the way home. So about six the next morning we loaded up the car and said our good-byes. Uncle Roger's jury-rig held the whole way home, so we made it back home in about 10 hours. Only to realize I didn't have a way to get in the house. Drove over to Aunt Aimee's for our spare key but couldn't find the right one. So we hung out in her empty house (thanks again!) until Josh could come home and let us in.

All in all, it was a wonderful trip! Can't wait to see everyone again for the wedding!

1 comment:

  1. So happy you all made it in and we were able to spend some time together! Thanks as always for posting the pics, it helps us keep up with everyone as they grow up too fast. Uncle Roger loved your time at the farm and hopes you can come back and stay longer! I missed you as soon as you drove off but that is nothing new. Hugs!
