She's been walking holding on to our hands for a couple months, but this month she started doing it without bending her knees. It's just as funny now as it was when Bai did it... 15 years ago... It only lasted about a week though, now she's back to bending her knees.
The teeth keep coming. The bottom left one is pretty much through, and the top right one is too. The one to the right of that on the top is also coming in. I think the bottom right one is starting to poke through, but she seriously doesn't like us checking.
About a week ago she learned to shake her head no. There are little metal seashells on the wall over her changing table and she likes to swat at them. So when she was doing that I told her no, she looked at me for a second and very slowly shook her head no. Then smiled and swatted at it again. We're working on it... =)
She likes to do downward facing dog. While she's doing it I like to flip her over so she does a somersault. She doesn't mind.
When she wakes up from nap the first thing she says is most often "cah." I think she's asking where Luca is.
We're starting to see sibling issues--Luca likes to get in her face and tell her what she can and cannot play with, and Tessa is starting to get annoyed by that. If he's bugging her she screeches. Really high and really loud. It's a warning, if he doesn't back away quick she starts smacking at his face.
Her favorite toy right now is anything that can go in and be taken back out. Greeting cards and the magazine table, Luca's toys and his toy basket, fabric squares and an old wipes container. Cassette tapes and bin. Coasters and a basket. Everything goes in. Everything comes out. Again and again.
She is a crazy eater, already eating us out of house and home. I mean really, it's impressive. A whole hotdog, big squeezy pouch of vegetables, handful of blueberries, handful of puffs, pieces of our meal, and that's one lunch. And the only reason she stops is because we fear an explosion and leave the table. I'm pretty sure her tummy is supposed to be the size of my fist. I think her leg is hollow too. She also started feeding herself with a spoon.
Mmmm... mashed potatoes! |
She sleeps! She's got a pretty consistent nap schedule and routine. Either I feed her (yep, still doing that) or we read a couple books. I put her in the crib with one nuk in her mouth and one in each hand. She immediately sits up. I spread her blanky out and tell her to lay down and she plops down onto the blanky. Tell her nigh-night and I'm out the door. At night she's still sometimes waking up and crying, but she puts herself back to sleep so she's in bed from about 8pm-7am. Of course her crying still wakes me up so I'm not sleeping all night yet either, but it's coming!
OK, she is growing and changing so fast! Thanks for keeping us updated, it helps make us feel like we are not missing everything.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're enjoying the updates. I like to read all the updates in a row and marvel at how very very fast she is growing =)