Tuesday, September 16, 2014

One Year Old

Just like that, our little lady is a year old.

She's got five and a half teeth. I think. She doesn't like us looking, but that's what it feels like. Two on the bottom, and three and a half on the top--the one to the left of the middle is just poking through. Plus her doc says that one of her molars is swollen, so there's something to look forward to.

She sleeps! We're having a little trouble adapting her nap schedule to Luca's school schedule, but we're working on it. But at night, she sleeps! From 8 til about 7. She sometimes wakes up, but most frequently puts herself back to sleep. And I think that's all about teething. It is so wonderful. Now if we could convince Luca to sleep all night long...

When we put her birthday cupcake in front of her she was interested in the flame, and then enjoyed picking the icing off. When the cupcake flipped over she decided to try the cake. By the fistful. We are excited to see her destroy her smash cake at the party!

Finally she's decided she likes shoes! We found it out because it got so cold last week and she only has one pair of socks that still fit her. I didn't feel like going through Luca's old stuff in the basement (anyway, I hate baby socks. Really. I know, it's a bizarre thing to hate, but they are the bane of my existence. So little and always getting lost and no way to tell what size they are. Ugh.) So I figured shoes would work to keep her feet warm. When one came off, she brought it over to us and lifted her foot up. Finally, cute, sparkly, baby shoes are in my future!

She does that thing when you're washing her face where she opens her mouth and sort of says "ah" and thinks it's funny when we tap the towel over her mouth. She does it with her own hand during dinner too--pretty funny.

We are trying to teach her to blow kisses, sometimes she totally gets it, other times she looks at us like we're crazy.

She says mama and dada and something kind of like uh-cah for Luca, and she says nigh-nigh. Unfortunately, I think that's her first word outside of the family. Which means we need to keep feeding her college fund account.

We are having next to no problems with her eating, pretty much anything you put in front of her she'll eat. We've started giving her whole milk and she's not really a fan. If we warm and it water it down by half she'll usually drink it. Other wise she just plays. But she's mastered the sippy cup!

In the last three months she's grown an inch and lost a half a pound. The doc says it's nothing to worry about, that a loss that small is more like maintaining. It's crazy though that she's gone down to about the 20th percentile for weight, just over 18 pounds.

Happy birthday sweet girl!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet girl! Thanks for sharing the pics,,,so fun for this far away aunt :)
