Tuesday, December 16, 2014

15 Months

When someone asks me how old Tessa is, I sometimes forget that she's a year old. It just doesn't seem like it's been that long. Of course at the same time it's hard to remember a time without her. But now she is not only a year, she's a year and a quarter! Whoa.

She has the cutest curls in the back of her hair. That she loves to twist when she's sleepy. Most times after nap I have to work a knot out. Thankfully she doesn't seem to be tender headed, so it's not a huge deal. But the first time she puts such a knot in that it has to be cut out will be a very sad day!

She has four teeth on top in the front and two on the bottom. I think she also has two top molars and one bottom one, but when I stick my finger in her mouth to check she bites so fast and so hard I can't tell where the pain is specifically coming from, only that it hurts. ;)

We think she could walk, she's pretty steady standing on her own and walking holding onto our fingers. If she's got something in one hand we can sometimes get her to walk holding on to just one of our hands. Mostly she'd rather crawl though.

She seems to have learned that if I'm not near her and she and Luca are playing together, she can scream and Luca gets in trouble. I'm not saying that was something I ever did, but I may or may not remember Alex yelling while he was in his room, and Alan getting in trouble even though he was in his room. Generation after generation, kids are stinkers.

We are excited for Christmas! Both kids are mostly excited to open presents, and we are eager to find out what Santa brings. Luca has been leaving him voicemails since August! =)

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