Sunday, December 30, 2012

Little Helper

There has been a lot of fixing going on around home recently. From the dryer needing a new belt to light switches buzzing and a need for a new outlet, Josh, my dad and their power tools have been busy. Luca learned the word "fix" and now uses it when he sees Josh with a screwdriver. So, because Luca was so blessed/spoiled at Christmas, our current toy storage wasn't cutting it anymore. We bought a cube storage and some baskets and Luca was kind enough to help...

by running off with the screwdriver. That's the best kind of help, right? But he did actually lend a hand, putting in the dowels and hammering them in. And he steadied the screwdriver while Josh turned it. My little handy-man in training!


1 comment:

  1. so where is the picture of the finished project?
