Just like that, four months have gone by. Hard to believe a year ago we were just finding out I was pregnant.
She tries to roll over, if I start her from tummy to back she can do the last half, and I have to help pull her arm out of the way and pull her over to get her to roll onto her tummy. She doesn't hate tummy time as much as Luca, but I don't think there's a baby out there that doesn't get tired of it pretty quick.
When she was born she had the hiccups usually a couple times a day, they're still tapering off and now are maybe 3 times a week. Still just shake her whole body.
Her well-baby appointment was last week. She's in the 80th percentile across the board. That means she's weighing 15 and a half pounds and is 2 feet 1 inch. I think she's actually taller, this nurse didn't stretch her legs out all the way. But that means in two months she's gained three pounds! Our little lady is growing just like she should be =)
In the 3 month post I talked about how very drooly she is. I thought her
bottom gums were swollen, but also thought maybe I was just looking for
an explination for the drool. Turns out her doc agrees with me, we
think her bottom left tooth will be poking through pretty soon!
When we were there the doc asked how she was doing with eating. I
told him she is doing so well that I'm reluctant to start solids--I'm
enjoying how easy feeding her is! He said until she's acting like she
isn't satisfied with nursing and showing a real interest in us eating,
it's not important to start solids. As long as she starts on fruits and
vegetables by the time she's 6 months, we can wait until she's acting
more eager. Since she's going 3-5 hours between feedings during the day
and usually does a 7-8 hour stretch at night (!) we're waiting.
goes to sleep about 9pm and wakes up sometime between 3am and 5am to
eat, and then is up for the day around 9. It. Is. Amazing. I am not
desperately tired during the day anymore and feel much less like a
zombie. Wonderful! When she gave up the 1am feeding she would still wake
and fuss a little, but after a little bit would put herself back to
sleep. After about a week of that she stopped waking up then at all. Now
she's doing the same thing at the 5am feeding. Not really quite awake
and just grumping a little--not crying. But I figure 8 hours is plenty
long enough to go without eating, and I'm afraid when she stops that one
she'll either stay up later or get up earlier. I like the routine we've
got now, so until she sleeps through on her own, I'm still feeding her.
You can tell when she's tired because she slowly snuggles
into your shoulder. Other than that she's still not much of a cuddler,
though she likes being held and doesn't have to be facing forward.
Josh found out one way almost guaranteed to put her to sleep is to stand in the bathroom with the fan on. We sleep with the sound machine, but the fan is so much louder and she still really seems to sleep best when it's loud. I could probably vacuum the floor right under where she's sleeping and she wouldn't so much as stir.
has the most impressive pout I've seen in a while--really gets that
bottom lip out there. But she rarely cries. More she sort of complains.
Yells and crabs but saves the crying for when she's really hungry or
really tired of being down.
Our peanut loves to smile! She'll
smile when you smile, when the baby in the mirror smiles (they're
BFF's), or just when she sees a face she recognizes. Luca learned that
she will giggle if he laughs, so he likes to fake laugh to get her to
giggle at him. It's pretty funny and stinking cute!
She is amazingly adept at finding the strings on a hoodie, just a couple seconds holding her and they've found their way into her mouth. And I didn't think she would drop them for anything. I find myself prying them out of her fingers so I can stand up while changing her. But today, she finally chose to drop them for Sophie! She really loves that little giraffe.
Technically, she had her first hair cut this month. Literally. She had one hair at the top of her head that was a good inch longer than the rest of her hair, so I cut that one hair. Unfortuately, I didn't take pictures, so we'll have to pretend her second hair cut was her first. Shhh.
And... we finally got the giggle on video! I swear it sounds like she's doing it sarcastically to humor us, but there it is!