First, you should know that out of all the holidays, Thanksgiving is my favorite. Friends and family all getting together to share a giant delicious meal, without any of the gift giving/receiving pressure of Christmas. Hands down, far and away, I love Thanksgiving.
But the Thanksgiving decorations are pretty 'meh.' Christmas decorations, however, are wonderful. Lights and greenery and ornaments that I made in preschool. So there's always a little bit of a struggle in this house with when it is appropriate to put up decorations. We have generally settled on the day after Thanksgiving for the tree, and it isn't the end of the world if some little stuff goes up earlier.
So we were all watching TV and a Christmas commercial came on. (Josh's "Are you kidding me!?" face went on too). I jokingly told Luca to tell him that he wanted to put up the tree and sing Jingle Bells. Josh said it was too early. I laughed a little, and Luca started crying. He apparently felt quite passionately about putting up the tree. Since I don't disagree with him, we compromised and put up a little tree in his bedroom. And let him hang some ornaments from my Grandma. He was so happy! He wants to use it as his nightlight now.
Josh and I also have an understanding that as long as I don't expect him to help, I can kind of put stuff up whenever (within reason). So since I took down the Halloween garland from the banisters upstairs, it's looked pretty naked. Totally planning on bringing up the greenery, lights and ornaments for them soon!
I love his face at the site of his "finished" tree. It will make a great night night, and you can never have too many trees up to decorate. Enjoy the upcoming holidays to their fullest!