Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The music during my day

We've had a rough week or so. Luca has been nonstop clingy. Even at midnight. And 1am. And 3:30am. And 5am. And 6am. Which wouldn't necessarily be the end of the world, except it seems to be that Tessa is then hungry at 11pm. And 2am. And 7am. Which makes for a very crabby mommy and a very whiny Luca. This morning I was trying to get a video of Tessa talking. (She talks! Well, she makes noises with the most expressive face!) Luca came around the table to see what I was doing. And then this:

Repeat ad nauseam. All day long. And at midnight, and 1am.....

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I love it! Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, what cha doing Mommy, Mommy. Even Tessa seems amused by Luca.
    Sorry you are having a rough time but thanks for the entertainment!
