Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I made cookies again! Of course it's not an original idea (are there any?) but it's still a great idea and easy and cute.

Little slices of pumpkin pie!

In case you forgot what pumpkin pie looks like
This year, as every year, we are thankful for the simple things: our health, family and friends. I am also more thankful than normal for cocoa butter lotion, sound machines, and Curious George. I wish I was thankful for the ability to get eight people and two dogs to look at the camera at the same time.

Yikes, Simon...

Happy Thanksgiving just the same!


  1. Were you the problem, as I don't see you anywhere? A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

    1. I was up checking to see if the camera had a "miracle worker" function. Unfortunately, it didn't. ;)
