She tries so hard to sit up. I joke that she is going to have a six pack to go with her Michelin baby legs. =)
There must have been a growth spurt a week or so ago because I was feeding her at least every two hours morning and night. *yaaawn* But the last couple days she's back to just getting up a couple times at night.
Luca shared his puppy with her |
If I didn't know better I would think she was teething, she's so drooly and loves chewing fingers (hers and anyone else's that get close to her mouth). Yesterday she drooled through 2 bibs and was on her third one by dinner time. I mean, really, drool monster. But Luca was a late teether so we're guessing she will be too.
Genetics are a funny thing. As mom plays with Tessa it seems she is often saying "Reminds me of you when you were little." I liked to be held but not cuddled. Tessa is the same. I had (and still have) long skinny piano playing fingers. Tessa does too. I had skinny feet that would not keep on shoes. Tessa is the same. I sucked my thumb. Despite my best efforts, Tessa does too. I wouldn't take a bottle. Tessa isn't a fan of them either.
There for a while she was getting the hiccups 2-3 times a day. They've slowly tapered off until now she gets them once every other day or so.
Her next doctor's appointment isn't until 4 months, but I'm confident she's growing. She has entirely outgrown 3 month size sleepers and the 3mo onesies and pants *fit.* Expect she'll be out of them before too much longer too. I was a little bummed that she and Luca are 6 months apart because it meant all his old clothes would be for the opposite season and not work as a hand me down. But with as fast as she's growing and as slow as he did, I think a lot of stuff will probably fit at the right time!
Next month also starts her eating cereal! Gotta bring up the high chair and find the baby spoons. Jude will be so excited =) And the vet will be so disappointed, he was finally losing his high chair gut...
She has a new screechy noise and we've got a couple giggles out of her. Can't wait until she starts doing the real belly laugh!
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