Saturday, December 7, 2013

Start 'em Young

We are Doctor Who fans in this house. Which means Tessa and Luca are also DW fans. Luca fell in love with the theme song (the acapella version anyway) ages ago. And he got a Tardis last year for Christmas.

The angels have the phone box!

He calls it a "targus." Whenever he sees a picture of it he yells that out. So we've got him hooked.

It makes noise and lights up!

And Uncle Dan was kind enough to get Tessa in on the fandom.

Happy little Whovian!

Of course they haven't actually watched any of the episodes, they're scary! In several years though, when he's on his 18th regeneration, they will learn to love it even more. =)

1 comment:

  1. Josh posted Luca rockin out earlier and I saw you in the background on the computer...I thought, "I hope she is posting on her blog". Yeah!! I got my wish. Love the updates. Tessa is growing like a weed. Luca gets cuter every day. Thanks for sharing! Hugs!!
