Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone had the very merriest of Christmases! We had a lot of fun visiting family and opening so many presents. Once again, we were all exceptionally blessed/spoiled rotten. =)

So many new toys and books and clothes!

Dr. Luca trying out his new stethoscope

Luca had a lot of fun unwrapping. Once he finished with his, he helped us open Tessa's. Then he helped us open our own, then he helped Oma and Pa...

Using his new tools to help fix Oma's chairs

Tessa spent part of the time in another room eating, and part of the time being passed from person to person. I'm pretty sure she had fun too =)

Luca was sure to leave out cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer, and he told me what to write in the note to Santa. Did you know Santa prefers water with his cookies? Good thing Luca knew!

He asked me to draw two reindeer, Santa, Santa's boots and a Christmas tree

Here's to spending time with the family at the holidays and every day =) Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all the new pics. Seeing them makes me even more excited to see you all in a week! Kids are growing and changing so fast, an exciting time for you all :)
